Site icon Jennifer Dawn

How To Get More of Your Pins Re Pinned

Have you been wondering why your pins haven't been getting re-pinned?

Are you making the 3 most common mistakes many Pinterest Users are making?

Here are 3 things you must keep in mind to get the most re-pins for your pins.

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#1 Make Sure That You Are Using Pinterest's Recommended Pin Size.

It has been shown that larger pins = more engagement . Pinterest recommends a 2:3 ratio when creating your pins and the standard size is 600 x 900 pixels. 

Testing has shown that longer infographics also do very well. The one thing that you want to stay away from is small, square images ( unless of course you are pinning Instagram content or Youtube videos) The Pins below are good examples of what size works the best.

#2 Make Sure That You Use Seo Practices On Pinterest.

Pinterest is a bit of a misunderstood platform. While most people think that Pinterest is a social media site, it in fact, is not. Pinterest is magickal unicorn, in the sense that it is actually a really pretty search engine.

In order for your pins to be found, you want to make sure to use SEO, not only in your pin Titles, but also your pin description, board description and the images themselves. Use relevant , targeted keywords to ensure that your pins will be found in a search. 

#3 The Most Common Mistake Made By Pinterest Users Is Just Uploading A Photo & A Url

For Heaven’s sake do not forget the pin description!

I do not know how many times I have passed on sharing content because it didn’t have a description. Tailwind will not let you pin anything that does not contain a description .. and if it doesn’t have one? Well the likely hood of me  or any other blogger making a description for your pin is slim to none … we are looking to save time. #harshtruth

*** BONUS ****

If You are really looking to get the maximum shares for your Pins then you will want to sign up for Tailwind! It is what has helped in the growth of my Pinterest Account and My Website! Join tribes in your niche and work with other Bloggers to share niche specific content. Here is $15 for when you sign up! 

Want to know what Tailwind Tribes I have personally used to grow my Pinterest Account and increase website traffic? (Comment Below )

If you really want to super charge your Pinterest Growth , I highly recommend Pin Funnels or Pin Practical Ads. My friend Monica over at Redefining Mom is the go to when it comes to learning about running highly targeted Pinterest Ads on a budget and she just happens to be having a challenge very soon! 


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