If you have been wondering how to get targeted traffic to your website and offers, then you are in the right place!
As a Blogger, Marketer and Coach, I am always testing out new tools, strategies and methods of increasing website traffic.
Two of my biggest audiences are in the Make Money Online and Personal Development Niche.
The reason for this is because this is what I teach (and what I live).
As someone who has been healing from trauma and chronic illness, not only is it my mission to help others break free the conformity of a 9-5, but to provide solutions to the problems that seem to go hand in hand with with being an entrepreneur and someone needing guidance and healing.
My goal is to help as many people as I possibly can. To teach others that there is more than one way to get to your desired outcome.
I recently took part in a 5 day summit that was geared towards people just like you and me… The Ultimate Underdog. People who were against all odds and expected to fail.
Yet these people all rose above and all have a similar mission .. to help other people!
2 of the presenters , we none other than Traffic experts, Gin Seah & Roy Tay. Their stories were inspiring and so relatable.
I decided to test the traffic from their company. I first ordered 100 clicks from Roy and it helped my secure a place in the top 10 for The Summit.

The initial traffic I purchased, I sent directly through my referral link. I then decided to purchase some personal development traffic from Gin for one of my mailing lists. Again , I ordered 100 clicks and I received 138 Unique clicks that grew this mailing by 66 Subscribers ( yep this is a brand new list ) and it had almost a 50% conversion rate!
How To Get Targeted Website Traffic
I now have 66 new people who are interested in the type of content that I am creating & sharing. I use an amazing email platform that allows me to choose which lists I am sending the email too, so it makes it super easy to create email lists for several different niche markets. Combining this with my Pinterest Strategies I teach in my Pinning For Profit Course has increased my targeted traffic. ( You can see how many times my posts have been shared in the right hand column of the website)
I will be doing an update in a few weeks to let you know of further results.
If you are looking to increase targeted traffic to your website and/or offers and do not want to take the time to learn how to run ads yourself, then I highly recommend Roy & Gin for buying to buy targeted website traffic.