This question is on the mind’s of many people looking to drop a few pounds of extra weight, Will keto coffee make me lose weight? While many people see success from the use of this fat burning coffee, I like to be upfront with people and tell you right from the gate. If your plan is to wash down half a bag of Oreos and try to cancel it out, well I hate to burst your bubble, but that is not how this works.
Keto coffee is dense in healthy fats and will help suppress your appetite. It’s purpose is to help bring your body in to a state of ketosis . where the fatty acids are broken into ketone bodies.
Keto Coffee Benefits
- Fights hunger cravings
- Instant energy
- Improved brain function
Fat loss - Ketone creation
- Better focus
- Restores vital protein in body
DISCLAIMER: None of the information contained on this website is a substitute for professional medical advice. It is purely for informational purposes and is based on my own personal experiences. I am also an independent distributor for many of the products contained within the post. But I am also a consumer of the products.
How Much Keto Coffee Can I Drink?
It is recommended not to exceed 1-2 cups per day. Just like regular coffee, too much caffeine is not beneficial to your health. Coffee is highly acidic and drinking too much will raise the acidity levels in your body, not to mention the fact that people who consume too much caffeine suffer from high blood pressure and anxiety. The goal is to become healthier, not create additional health woes.
Drinking keto coffee, working to make your body more alkaline and working on your gut health will eliminate the need for a cup of coffee every couple of hours!
When To Drink Keto Coffee
It is best to drink keto coffee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. What I like to do is start my morning off with celery juice powder (same benefits, less mess, time & hassle) and then spend 30 minutes or so meditating and journaling and follow it up with a hot keto coffee or my energizing keto coffee breakfast smoothie ( recipe below)
Keto Coffee For Breakfast Plus A Keto Coffee Recipe
@jenniferdawnweltz Imagine having a delicious coffee,or one of these healthy keto smoothies every morning to lose weight . EVERYONE in my house loves them! #coffeelover🥰 #weightlosscoffeechallenge #weightlossdrinkchallange #healthybeverage #healthysubstitutes #businessopportunities #chocolateshake ♬ Da Ya Think I'm Sexy? - Rod Stewart
One of my favorite ways to use the keto coffee is in an energizing breakfast smoothie. This Keto Iced Coffee Smoothie will quickly become a favorite!
In a Blender combine:
- 1 packet of Keto Coffee
- 1 packet of Chocolate Greens
- 1 banana
- 1 healthy scoop of sugar free nut butter
- 1 TBSP Organic Cocoa Powder
Fill blender halfway with ice and cover with chocolate almond milk. ENJOY!