You ever wonder why some people start a business and it seems to just take off? Well , let me let you in on a few secrets about how smart entrepreneurs grow their business and income.

5 Things Smart Entrepreneurs Are Doing To Grow Their Business Fast Right From The Start.
#1 Get Online!
It really doesn’t matter what your business is , if you are not online YOU ARE MISSING OUT and leaving money on the table! And I am going to save you a whole ton of trouble, DO NOT use a FREE site! This will be a detriment to your business.
There are plenty of reliable, affordable hosts to choose from. I use Siteground myself but have used Godaddy, Wix, Weebly, Bluehost , Host Gator and a few other sites before finding Siteground, who has the best service and pricing out of them all.
You don’t even have to have technical skills ( Lord knows I don’t! )because there are so many amazing tools and builders out there that are drag and drop. Seriously, an 8 year old could do it. I use Leadpages, Elemementor & Divi to create my sites.
#2 Sign Up For A Pinterest Business Account
Most people don’t get Pinterest … but it is not a social media site it is actually considered a visual search engine with a social aspect.
Pinterest is responsible for nearly 80% of my website traffic ( and most of it is organic)
Why Pinterest over Instagram or Facebook? People who go to Pinterest are looking to buy! They just use Pinterest to help them find what they are looking for or for an answer to a problem they are having. If you have done Pinterest correctly, they will be able to find you when they do a search. You can learn how to do that in my Pinning For Profit course or sign up for Pin-Tastic Profits which is set to launch the beginning of January ( it will include live training) . You can pre-register at a discount here.
Additionally, I use a service called Tailwind that schedules my pins for me and then repins them at the best times to increase my website traffic. You can get a FREE 30 day trial by signing up here) Tailwind has many other pro’s to it and you can read about it in some of my other posts.
#3 SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Learning how to properly use Search Engine Optimization can seem like a daunting task, but in the long run, it REALLY pays off. By having your content use SEO best practices, you will start getting organic traffic from both Google AND Pinterest! Keep in mind that SEO takes a little longer to start seeing results above all methods because the search engines are cataloguing your content and learning what it is all about , which you accomplish with long tail keywords. Tools like Spyfu and SEM Rush can really help you with your keyword research. My friend Lena Gott has an amazing SEO Course.
#4 Sales Funnels
So you have designed a great website that is SEO optimized and great pins driving traffic to your website, now what do you do with that Traffic?
You want to make sure that you have a sales funnel in place. I used Leadpages because I find it is the easiest to use, creates the most professional looking pages & mini sites , integrates easily with more apps and is the best price.
#5 Email Marketing
Any successful website or online business will have or be building an email list.
You will want to make sure you have some sort of opt in on that sales funnel page that we talked about earlier. In fact, you should have a place for people to opt in on every page of your website. And if you have a long post, many bloggers will have 2 or 3 places to opt in on a page. Use different opt in incentives to see which performs best. I have also tried out numerous email marketing platforms and I use Convert Kit.
#5 Placing Ads, Hosting Ads & Affiliate Income
There are a couple of ways to make money with ads. One way is to place affiliate ads on your website. You can join an affiliate network that will house many different programs to earn commission off of your ads or many companies have their own in house affiliate program. I have listed 15 of the Best Affiliate Programs to join here.
You could also join an Ad Network that manages your ads for you, if you get approved for one of the ad networks you generally can see your ad income increase exponentially. Media Vine requires over 25k sessions before you can apply, so if you do not meet their criteria, you can also try Ezoic.
Another way to earn with ads is to actually place some. The quickest way to get your brand seen is to place an ad in a well known publication , such as Entrepreneur, Marie Clair, , Brides , Parent and Cosmopolitan. If you would like to know more about how to get a full page ad in a popular magazine, please drop a comment here or email me.