Are you thinking about leaving your 9-5? Or perhaps, you just want to make some additional income so you can finally have something in your savings account, for vacations or what you would normally consider nonessential purchases? More and more people are searching online for a way to get out of their financial rut and even make life-changing income. Before you go spending your money, keep reading to learn the truth about making money online.
For those who aren’t familiar with my story, I went searching for a way to make money online when I first got sick. I had seen so many people making serious money online and each one claimed that they had the magic answer.And my success was pretty much guaranteed. So what was the problem? The problem is that most people trying to sell you on a program don’t give you all of the information you need, but leave you with the impression that if you buy traffic, it will all happen on COMPLETE AUTOPILOT? Honestly, how many times have you seen or heard this?
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Have You Heard Any Of This?
You may be told that it is as simple as copy or paste or that all you have to do is post ads in Facebook Groups. That if you don’t take any risk you will never get anywhere. And while I do believe that changing your mindset is a HUGE part of gaining and keeping success and that you do have to take some risks. ( Afterall, things can’t change without YOU making changes.) I would make sure to do a little research if they are making these types of promises.
I myself made the mistake of listening to a couple of so-called gurus and bought into some high ticket programs and spent so much money on Solo Ads and most of them I didn’t make a cent! And the few high ticket sales I did make, in the end really weren’t worth it because I didn’t feel very good about any of it. I can honestly say that MLM wasn’t for me, even though several of my marketing friends do very well with MLM and High Ticket Programs, it definitely should not have been my starting point! I had absolutely no marketing knowledge and felt that my mentors at the time were only offering sleazy sales tactics that just didn’t sit right in my gut. But my biggest problem was that I could not help them grow their business when I really didn’t feel I had the qualifications and that most of the programs being offered really didn’t provide any REAL training. And if you are getting involved in a high ticket program, they should provide training or your mentor should be one that has some real marketing knowledge not just advise you to buy ads.
Mindset is Key!
I will tell you until I started changing my mindset and found myself a knowledgeable mentor, my business was FAILING! I honestly believe when you provide real value and truly want to be able to help others, this is when you will start to see your business grow. And let me be the 1st to tell you that you don’t have to start by paying for some high ticket program. I invested slowly to get where I am because I didn’t have the money just sitting somewhere to be able to pay for mentors or monthly services. It also took me some time to figure out what I REALLY wanted to do. This is another tip I will give you, Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t make money doing what you love because you absolutely can with the right guidance! For me, it is blogging … I love to talk home decor and DIY and don’t get me started on recipes and gardening. And while Bloggers do have more avenues to earn income, you can totally start affiliate marketing without a blog. Need some marketing knowledge but don’t have hundreds or thousands of dollars to spend on a mentoring program? What many won’t tell you is that you can pick up some really great marketing courses over on Udemy .. FOR REAL! You can pick valuable marketing courses for less than a dinner at most fast food joints.
Another great place to pick up marketing courses is from Ultimate Bundles, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE A BLOGGER! However, the Ultimate Bloggers Bundle & The Work From Home Bundle is only available at specific times of the year. Check out some of their other bundles and get on their mailing list to be notified of when they are available. You will also be notified if you are on my list.
The truth about making money online is it is a lot of hard work in the beginning but you can put your sales on autopilot …to a certain degree, you do have to do some work. The first thing you need to know is that Solo ads don’t always work and you need a way to be consistently reaching both new and old customers and clients. Do you know how to get the target customers? Do you know how to run a proper ad? Do you know anything about landing pages and email lists? Or how about SEO? NEITHER DID I! All I knew is that with my illness I couldn’t always be camera ready, nor did I want to spend all day on the phone. I am sure you can relate when I tell you that all I wanted was to be able to contribute financially, do what I love and be able to spend quality time with my family. However, I also wanted to be able to authentically help people no matter their circumstance, financial situation or education and provide real value.
If you are willing to do the work and be consistent, there are several ways to earn passive income but you have to have some marketing knowledge and know how to build a relationship with your audience. Joining Marketing Solved & The Inner Circle with Kat Sullivan really made me see things differently and how I could really streamline all of my knowledge and business as well as get access to up to date marketing strategies from the experts! Not to mention, she showed me how to provide real value to my audience ( as well as tips on how to find my target audience).
My course Pinning for Profit comes with an 18-page actionable workbook that I previously sold for $49.00. Both the course and the workbook will be receiving updates because of ever-changing algorithms and marketing rules. And for a limited time, I am offering the Workbook to you for $15! The Course itself is priced at $497.00 and you can purchase the FULL Course for $ 299.00. Buy it by Oct 24th and also get access to the Updated Course for FREE! BONUS: Get A Free Pinterest Profile audit! However, I must limit this to the 1st 25 people due to the time it takes to do the Pinterest Audit. Get The Workbook Here or The Full Course Here (which includes the workbook)