Do you want to know how to get theMindvalley (US & CA)” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Law of Attraction is? Or how powerful it is when applied daily?
If you have been following me for some time, you know that I have Fibromyalgia. A chronic illness and that just a few short years ago I was in a pretty dark place.
I was Chronically ill, which caused me to lose my job. And with all the health issues I had , also caused severe anxiety and depression.I had to find a way out of this spiraling mess , find a way to make myself feel better (even on those days when I wasn’t feeling so good). An acquaintance of mine had started talking to me about the the Secret (based on the book ) . I was instantly mesmerized and intrigued! I then found my way to Tony Robbins, I had watched I am not your Guru on Netflix and it hit so close to home for me . It had made me cry and made me realize a number of things about myself , my life and what I needed to do if I wanted it to change.
“The Shift”
I began scouring the internet for information. It wasn’t until I came across a couple of courses that things really started to change for me. The first being that the terrible anxiety that I suffered from started to fade and I started to feel better about myself and my abilities. No Chronic Illness was going to hold me back! As I went through these courses I felt myself starting to shift .. my vision became clearer. I became much more empathetic and just started feeling gratitude for all that I did have and stopped focusing on what I didn’t or the things that I lacked.
You need to focus first on changing your mindset
Marissa Peer is also known world wide for her abilities in getting the Law of Attraction to work.
I had learned how to My life is now one of Gratitude and Excitement for all the things that have happened and the things that are about to happen!
I had gone from being a anxiety ridden , depressed woman with a Chronic Illness to a Successful Blogger & Marketer. ( I have also Blogged for the Huffington Post!) My Social Media following grew in leaps and bounds almost overnight it seemed. And I am presented with new opportunities on a daily basis. I began to connect with all of the right people with the information that I needed and truly began to Blossom.
Reading is a big part of Growing and I highly Recommend reading these Books:
Healing with the Angels by Doreen Virtue ( I also bought myself a deck of her cards)
Awaken the Giant Within – Tony Robbins
Think & Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
Too many conepimlmts too little space, thanks!
This intrigues me and is something I’ve touched on in my life, but never fully followed through on…
It can be an amazing transformation! It truly has changed my life!