Did you know that they are several different ways that you can earn money with Pinterest?
Contrary to popular belief, Pinterest is not just for Recipes and craft projects.
Read on to find out the 4 different ways that you can earn money with Pinterest.
#1 – You can earn money by using Pinterest for affiliate Marketing.
Do you love Fashion? Or more importantly , does your audience love fashion? Or how about Makeup , Crats, Home Decor? The possiblities are endless really. Create Custom Pins and pop in your affiliate link ( make sure to use relevant keywords ) to reach targeted buyers.
#2 – Use Pinterest to drive traffic to your website or landing page to grow your email list.
You then have people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer and that you can market to on a continual basis.
#3 – Earn Money with Pinterest Selling Your Own Products
You can also make custom pins promoting your own products. Have an Etsy Store? E-commerce Store? Digital Product ? You can promote just about any product and have the pin url go right to your sales pages!
#4 – Use Pinterest & Google Ads to add another revenue stream
Use Pinterest to drive tons of FREE traffic to your site and get paid by Google for those visitors by placing Google Ads on your site.
Have a question about Pinterest? Let me know in the comments section below!
Earning money sounds interesting,,can I teach grade K-4mathematicsand earn money??
Hey Jennifer,
Just a quick question, looking into pinning at least part-time and then eventually hopefully full-time and become a full-time work at home Mom. Any suggestions on ebooks, books in general online free course, if so any feedback would be extremely appreciated. Thanks for all you do been a huge fan for some time! “You” REALLY ARE a true inspiration!
Jacqui Lynn
Hi Jacqui! I will be putting tons of new training out on My Jennifer Dawn Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/AbundantlyJenniferDawn , as well as on the Blog and Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4xoT8DzRN8
Another great place for Free content is http://spirited-mind.wp11.staging-site.io/MarketingSolved . I am in the process of creating a collection of Freebies for everyone 🙂