Since I started this journey, I have gone through many phases of Jennifer Dawn. From Website design to hosting , to landing pages and automation tools. I am always striving to make it bigger and better, reach and help more people and do it efficiently! You feel me?
And with the consistent massive growth and the other needs of my business, I am considering a hosting change after several years with my current host.
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As a lot of bloggers do, I started off with a free site and it didn’t take me long to figure out that I wasn’t going to accomplish my goals with a free site. My first Paid Host was Bluehost, and although a ton of people use them, I don’t recommend them.
I was actually with them for much longer than I wanted to be because I was terrified of losing everything if I tried to move it. Both the downtime and support were horrible!
Once I finally had enough I went looking for a new provider and thought I would save a ton by going to Host Gator …. but the service was even worse there and I was not with them for very long. It was at this point that I just decided to go with Godaddy . They are who I had used to purchase my first domain and they seemed competent and trusted. I spent what seemed like forever using to learn WordPress and Cpanel but after awhile it became easier and I was churning out much better looking and dependable content because my site wasn’t going down for days at a time every month like it had been with Bluehost.
I have actually been pretty content with GoDaddy but if you know anything about me , I am always striving for improvement and with the continual massive growth of my online business’s , I really need something that is more in line with my needs and I think I may have found that with Site Ground!
]Moving hosting is terrifying! Ask any seasoned Blogger! There is always the chance that something could go horribly wrong and years worth of work could go down the drain!
However, I have really done my research and it seems a majority of the Blogger’s in my circle are using SiteGround and they tell me that the service is top notch and so is the speed and thoroughness of their tech department.
Another deciding factor for me is their pricing! Their top level package is already considerably less expensive than what I am paying with GoDaddy and offers more! It is kind of a no brainer!
So be prepared that the next time you come to my site you may see a temporary place holder or it will be new & improved!
I honestly wish I had known about Site Ground from the beginning because I am fairly certain that it would have saved me a ton of money and frustration!
I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you use Site Ground and what is you favorite thing about them?