Heal The Issues Causing Chronic Illness, Anxiety & Depression & Keeping You From Manifesting Abundance
Illness , both physical & mental, (otherwise known as dis-ease) is typically caused by old trauma and trapped emotion.
When you have emotional issues that just get buried and never actually dealt with to clear away the negative energy associated with it, it can and typically will manifest as illness in the body. It will also keep you from manifesting abundance.
A good percentage of the human population has developed limited belief systems that are not serving them and holding them back from living their best life.
Once you learn how to clear away negative energy & blocked chakras, you will be able to manifest with ease.
What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You
Every pain in your body is trying to send you a message and correlates with specific negative belief systems. Which side of the body it occurs relates to either masculine or feminine energy.
Blocked Chakras Cause Imbalance In The Body
Your body is made up of several energy centers (chakras) and blocks can appear and contribute to these issues.
It is important to take time to make sure that you start of the day grounded, balanced and in a high vibrational state.
If any of your lower chakras are blocked, odds are so are your higher chakras.
How Do You Clear Blocked Chakras?
There are several different ways you can go about clearing blocked chakras. You can combine any of these methods together and will often get quicker results when you do.
I talk about the methods I use in my book and how they helped me end over a decade of suffering from chronic illness and debilitating anxiety.
I personally love to work with all of these methods, but really find that crystals are amazing for helping with energy clearing.
Reiki is a great way to quickly eliminate negative energy and help balance and restore chakra health.
I would love to hear what your practices are to get rid of negative energy.